Steps in conducting a technology assessment

Are your employees bugging you for a software upgrade? Are you thinking of retiring any of your current equipment? Are you planning to buy new hardware anytime soon? Don’t just dive right into it! First, take a long look in the mirror with a technology needs assessment.

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Ways modern ERP systems benefit the manufacturing industry

Running a manufacturing business is quite complicated. It involves managing several moving parts such as taking in customer orders, ordering raw materials, tracking inventory, scheduling production, monitoring shipment, and many more. Since the US manufacturing industry is forecasted to boom further, you can expect the volume of work and the competition to get even crazier.

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Technology Tip: 3 Ways to Master Your Email

We all are living in a new age of email overload. Here are tips to get control! 1. Distribution lists Create shared mailboxes for all specific functions (accounting@, purchasing@, sales@, etc). Then route as many emails to distribution lists as you can.

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Windows users: Why you need the latest operating system

Despite being the world’s favorite operating system for over three decades, businesses have traditionally been stubborn when it comes to switching to new Windows editions. It’s not entirely without reason either. Some iterations of Windows have been downright awful to the point of causing serious disruption not just for early adopters, but for everyone who […]

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Cleaning up your phone: 5 things to declutter

Mobile phones have become just as powerful and indispensable as fully equipped computers. In fact, we’d argue that they’re more vital than ever considering how many businesses are mobilizing their workforces. But every piece of tech, including smartphones, becomes more difficult to manage and slows down over time.

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Top productivity-boosting tools that add hours to your day

It’s hard to imagine how anyone can stay on top of everything they set out to do. There are too many meetings to plan, projects to complete, and calls to coordinate. People also go through dozens of documents and apps every day, so it’s easy to see why everyone thinks there are not enough hours […]

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The best time to buy a brand new PC

Everyone dreads the day their computer starts running slowly because that means they’ll have to go and buy a new one. Shopping for a computer is complicated; there are thousands to choose from and each one has a list of hardware specifications you don’t understand.

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Internet browsing 101: Are cookies good for you?

Cookies are essential to web browsing, and no, we’re not talking about the ones you eat. Every internet user has heard of cookies, especially when clearing search history or visiting a site that claims to track them. But even though people are aware of them, there are a lot of misconceptions about what cookies actually […]

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Why is your Wi-Fi network so unreliable?

A few decades ago, it wasn’t uncommon to wait several minutes for a page to load or to experience sudden dropped connections, but today those problems are a business owner’s worst nightmare. That’s because every minute of network downtime can cost companies thousands of dollars in lost productivity! What’s causing your connection issues? Below are […]

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