5 common misconceptions about the cloud
The cloud's ability to deliver on-demand processing power and applications via the internet is one of the most important technologies in the 21st century. Leading cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS have helped many companies optimize their IT operations and grow their businesses, but despite its widespread popularity, some small-business owners are still unsure about the cloud.
The cloud is unsafe
The first misconception that cloud skeptics have is that it is more susceptible to cyberthreats because their apps and data are maintained by third-party service providers. But in reality, the cloud is probably one of the safest places to store your assets.
Cloud services providers store your apps and data in their own data centers equipped with advanced firewalls, intrusion detection tools, antivirus software, encryption programs, and backup systems. What’s more, they have a full roster of certified cybersecurity engineers making sure your apps are patched and only your staff has access to your files.
There’s nothing wrong with storing data on in-house servers, but if you don’t have the robust network infrastructure, multi-layered security, and a team of professionals on staff to keep your IT safe, defending against the wide array of online threats is impossible.
The cloud is expensive
Migrating to the cloud saves lots of money over setting up and maintaining in-house servers. That’s because you only have to pay for the computing resources, storage space, and apps you need, with none of upfront hardware and ongoing utility costs — the provider takes care of these. Technical support is also handled by the provider, so you don’t have to keep a full-time technician on your payroll.
The cloud can’t be customized
Not everyone needs the same services in the cloud. Some companies who need unlimited computing resources may benefit from public clouds like Microsoft Azure and AWS, while those who require tighter data security and more control should consider private clouds. And when businesses need both, hybrid clouds give them the best of both worlds.
There are also different service models to choose from, including Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. To make the right investment, it’s important to discuss your needs with your cloud provider so they can develop a solution that works for your company and your budget.
The cloud is complicated
The productivity benefits of the cloud don’t happen overnight. Just like with any new technology, you must teach employees about the wide array of collaboration tools they can use, and how to use them well. But if you pick a cloud service with intuitive features, training times should be relatively short. In fact, there are services like Office 365 that feature Microsoft Office apps you and your employees apps may already be familiar with.
The cloud migration process takes months
There is a lot of planning involved in a cloud migration process. For example, you need to consider which files must be uploaded to the cloud and which ones are better stored on premises. You also have to think about how much bandwidth is required to run cloud services. A good cloud provider will have the right expertise and tools to make your migration process quick, painless, and stress-free.
The IT experts at Red Key Solutions can help you migrate to the cloud and make sure you get the most out of the technology. If you want to realize the real benefits of the cloud, call us today.