Protecting Your Business with DNS-Level Security
Every website and device connected to the internet has a unique IP address that identifies it on the global network. For a long time, the standard was IPv4, which uses a four-part numeric code. But since the internet is running out of available IPv4 addresses, the IPv6 protocol was introduced, which instead uses 128-bit addresses complete with complex hexadecimal notation.
If the above confuses you, you’re not alone.
That’s why we have the domain name system (DNS), which translates IP addresses into human-readable web addresses and vice versa. After all, it’s easier to remember than! Unfortunately, however, while DNS is certainly convenient, it also comes at the cost of having another potential cybersecurity vulnerability to deal with.
Because everyone who uses the internet uses the DNS, and virtually all internet traffic flows through it, it’s also a popular target of attack for hackers. By taking control of your company’s DNS, hackers can literally gain unlimited possibilities to abuse your computing infrastructure, such as by automatically directing requests to malicious websites.
Windows and most other operating systems are configured to obtain IP addresses automatically, typically from your internet service provider. However, DNS servers may also be set to Google Public DNS or a third-party cybersecurity solution. Here at Red Key Solutions, we provide a secure DNS service that safeguards the system from hackers attempting to compromise it.
How Can DNS Security Be Compromised?
Hackers often target DNS directories by compromising the way the system works and exploiting vulnerabilities on the servers that operate the DNS service. If attackers manage to gain access, they may manually change cached IP addresses to automatically redirect unsuspecting users to malicious websites. This process is known as DNS cache poisoning or spoofing, and it effectively involves corrupting the entire IP address-to-web address translation process.
Other attacks might involve the more straightforward approach of hijacking your DNS settings entirely and redirecting your requests through a rogue server. These attacks are often geared toward obtaining valuable data, such as payment information and login details.
Malicious software, such as DNSChanger, Moose Worm, and DNS Unlocker are just a few examples of malware designed to hijack your DNS settings and, in doing so, open your entire network to attacks.
How Can You Protect Your DNS?
Not using the DNS service at all is hardly a practical option, so it’s important to implement security measures for your DNS server or, better still, have a managed services provider offer a trusted alternative that’s practically immune from attacks.
By rerouting your DNS requests through a trusted services provider and taking measures to safeguard your local DNS cache, you’ll be able to greatly reduce the possibility of DNS spoofing, hijacking or cache poisoning stealing confidential information.
Red Key Solutions provides DNS-level security to ensure that your system can never be compromised. We work with Cisco Umbrella, formerly OpenDNS, to provide enterprise-level security to your business. Call us today to learn more.