Methods in Backing Up your Google Photos Library
We have all been there when you are going through life and don't realize you haven’t done a backup of any photos within the last couple of months or even year. For that exact reason, there are methods of automatically backing up you Google Photos Library.
There are two well known existing options that will backup up your Google Photos automatically.
- Google Takeout: This is used to create backups and prevent against accidental photo deletion. Where some people deter from this option is the backup frequency is every 2 months and requires a decent amount of space in your Cloud storage service. However, this is a great option for an overall backup of your photos library.
- Gphotos-sync: This is used for automatic daily backups that occur more frequently. Once it is setup, the process of the backup is relatively smooth. What differs this from Google Takeout is that backups are done daily, and not every two months.
A new method that has been designed is PhotoVaultOne, https://photovaultone.com referred to as a carefree backup-as-a-service solution for your Google Photos Library. There is no app installation needed, and 100% SaaS. PhotosVaultOne is also a authorized Google Photos Partner. How PhotosValutOne works is it will take all you Google Photos that are stored in the Cloud and once you sign up, you are granting a limited-access token to photos and videos that are all un your control and can be changed at any time. Once that is figured out, there will be a daily backup that takes place automatically with no interaction from you required. The service console will restore lost content directly back to your Google Photos Library in a matter of minutes. PhotosVaultOne is secure and private by design, simple and powerful and affordable pricing. You will receive a free evaluation for 3 months.
Key Features:
- Automatic daily backup, with no app or software installation needed
- Multiple regions for data storage to choose from (at the moment US, Ireland and Sweden)
- Strong focus on security and privacy: end-to-end encryption for your content, with per-user encryption keys and object-level encryption for your content.
- A web user interface for browsing, and restoring and/or downloading any content the service has backed up that is no longer present in your library.
- (coming) Vault Mode, where you hold the key for decrypting your content. Without the vault-key, no-one, including us at photovaultone, can decrypt your content.